Lately it seems like every aspect of advertising and marketing targeting the military is ripe for generating positive public relations in the name of consumer protection. In a new and aggressive move, earlier this month, the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) announced it had registered the term “GI Bill” as a trademark or brand with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Advertisers of education opportunities to servicemembers and veterans need to take into account this important development intended to help protect servicemembers and veterans.
According to the VA, “this move goes a long way to enforce accountability to those who would deceive student Veterans for financial gain.” The VA warns “with millions of dollars up for grabs, schools and marketing firms won’t lie down because of the trademark, so we’ll remain vigilant to ensure Veterans aren’t victims of deceptive recruitment.”
For in-depth analysis by Venable attorneys Andrew Price and Jonathan Pompan, please click here.