Neil Chilson filled the position of FTC Chief Technologist in July, succeeding Lorrie Cranor. Mr. Chilson recently discussed the role of Chief Technologist with members of the ABA Antitrust Section Consumer Protection Committee in a “Telephonic Fireside Chat.” In describing his day-to-day, he broke down the role into a vertical dimension and a horizontal dimension. The vertical dimension he described as having two components: assisting FTC staff assess the legal implications of technology and serving as a conduit between the general staff and the Chairman’s office. As Chief Technologist, Mr. Chilson is in a unique position to highlight issues of particular interest to the Chairman, as well as to monitor problems that cut across several groups. The horizontal dimension of the role he described as being an interface between the FTC and the outside world, specifically industry. Mr. Chilson spoke of meeting with the tech industry both to explain the mission of the FTC and also to gather information to convey back to the Chairman and staff. When later asked about challenges from a consumer perspective, Mr. Chilson focused on the issues of identity theft and robocalling. The “chat” overall suggested that the new Chief Technologist will take a practical approach to the position. A focus on engagement with industry and actual consumer harm would be in keeping with the priorities of Maureen Ohlhausen, the Acting Chairman who appointed him.