Kelly DeMarchis Bastide advises clients on issues related to consumer data privacy and security, and online gaming. As a co-chair of the Privacy and Data Security Group, Kelly provides actionable, business-friendly legal guidance to multinational companies and organizations that process personal data. A key focus of her practice is assessing clients' privacy programs against laws in multiple jurisdictions. She works with clients to understand their goals, then develops tailored compliance programs to minimize risk, prepare clients for incidents, and increase business opportunities. Kelly has examined the privacy implications of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, for clients.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Angry Birds® danc’d in their heads,

And Mama with her iPad®, and I with my Nook®, just stared at the screens, all chatting forsook…

No one can deny the prominent role electronic devices play in our daily lives, and children, unsurprisingly, have jumped