The days of on-air fast-talking contest announcements are coming to an end.  Last Thursday, the FCC adopted revised rules that allow broadcasters to disclose contest rules on an Internet website, as opposed to reading them over the air.  Prior to this rule change, under the FCC’s “Contest Rule” (47 C.F.R. Section 73.1216), broadcasters that advertised a contest on-air were required to fully disclose the “material terms” of the contest and then conduct the contest substantially as announced or advertised – a requirement that was adopted almost four decades ago, and which the FCC now acknowledges is inconsistent with the way Americans obtain information today.

Those that want to take advantage of the new Internet website option must comply with the requirements that the FCC lays out in the Report and Order, including: 
Continue Reading Hear! Hear! FCC Modernizes Contest Rules for Broadcasters


Pinterest®, since it first appeared on the scene in 2010, has been the darling of crafty do-it-yourselfers (DIYs), ambitious brides-to-be, fitness aficionados, foodies, and anyone else interested in creating their own little portfolio of images carefully curated from sites around the Internet.  Pinterest has consistently presented itself as a tool that could be used by consumers for a natural, authentic experience, giving users full artistic and creative reign as they pinned images and designed boards.  In fact, Pinterest has been notorious for cracking down on advertisers who use its offerings in any sort of spammy way, including now prohibited “Pin It to Win It” contests.  The site has also received considerable attention for the thorny legal issues that are implicated by its “pin anything you want” philosophy, including copyright, trademark and right of publicity issues.Continue Reading From Art Gallery to Billboard – The Game-Changing Presence of Promoted Pins on Pinterest®

We’re all pretty used to seeing sweepstakes that require entrants to “like” an advertiser’s or app’s Facebook® page in order to enter—they’re probably the most common type of promotion on Facebook.  Many marketers require consumers to “like” an application’s Page as a condition of entry into a sweepstakes or contest, in order to receive coupons or other rewards, or in order to watch a video or some other type of content.  Advertisers like to do this because in exchange for offering consumers benefits for “liking” their applications’ Pages, the advertisers obtain a guaranteed base of Facebook fans and extend their brand’s reach on Facebook.

But, in a few months, as a result of recent changes to Facebook’s Platform Policy, these examples of “like-gating” will no longer be kosher on the Facebook platform.  Facebook’s revised Platform Policy, updated August 7, 2014, states that developers of Facebook applications may “[o]nly incentivize a person to log into your app, like your app’s Page, enter a promotion on your app’s Page, or check-in at a place.”  The revised policy goes on to state that “Effective November 5th, 2014, you may no longer incentivize people to like your app’s Page.”

Facebook provides these examples of what is no longer allowed:

FacebookContinue Reading Facebook Changes the Rules Again: The Sally Field Principle of “Likes” on Social Media