There is no denying that, at times, the express claims made on dietary supplement labels may seem to convey a broader implied claim to the consumer regarding the supplement’s performance benefits. While that may be true, last month the Ninth Circuit confirmed that plaintiffs cannot successfully allege that a lawful “structure/function” claim misleadingly implies that a dietary supplement will treat, cure, or prevent a disease under state law. In so deciding, the court found that Section 403(r)(6) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) expressly permits dietary supplements to make claims that describe the role of a nutrient or dietary ingredient intended to affect the structure or function of the body (i.e., structure/function); and that Section 403A(a)(5) of the FDCA expressly preempts any California law that would differ from the FDCA’s allowance for structure/function claims.
While perhaps not surprising that the court reached this conclusion, a recent Ninth Circuit opinion is worth noting because it is the first time that the court has issued an opinion expressly confirming that lawful structure/function claims will have coverage against California’s strong consumer protection laws. We caution, however, that dietary supplement manufacturers may still face liability under state law if they fail to disclose material information about their products, including its safety profile.
The plaintiff alleged that the defendant’s Vitamin E supplement claims to “support cardiovascular health” and “promote[ ] immune function” were false and misleading in violation of California law because the Vitamin E supplements (1) did not prevent “cardiovascular disease” and (2) might increase the risk of all-cause mortality. The Ninth Circuit disagreed and affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of the defendant.Continue Reading Ninth Circuit Affirms FDA Preemption in Tossing Vitamin E Supplement Case