Cybersecurity is a growing concern for all organizations, especially those that store, process, and transmit sensitive data. As commercial mailing and publishing continue to digitize, business operations rely on sharing growing volumes of data. This includes, for example, sharing subscriber and mailing information with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), data aggregators, and other partners.

Increasingly, federal and state laws require that such information be protected with cybersecurity safeguards and require notification to consumers in the event of unauthorized access or breach. Liability and loss of consumer confidence are important risks that organizations often manage by updating their legal and technical processes to better reflect the modern cyber threat environment.Continue Reading Evaluating the Cybersecurity Risk of Mailing and Publishing Partners

Regulatory certainty is a key component in investing in the wireless space. Whether you’re evaluating a wireless network or an infrastructure play, a product that relies on wireless devices, or an emergent wireless technology, a potential acquisition or investment requires a comprehensive understanding of the venture. That includes the impact of the regulatory environment on the likelihood of success of the business plan and potential liabilities and risks.

Traditional due diligence may no longer be enough, given the quickly changing regulatory environment. When doing analysis and diligence, how can you ensure that it’s comprehensive enough for today’s regulatory environment?Continue Reading Finding Alpha in the Wireless Space: Regulatory Changes That Could Impact Investment

As the world moves toward the rollout of fifth-generation, or 5G, wireless technology, the numbers of devices operating in many locations have grown exponentially. The Federal Communications Commission manages the commercial use of the radiofrequency spectrum – those invisible airways on which consumer and commercial wireless devices and networks operate. More wireless devices demand more use of the radio spectrum, leading the FCC to consider how to manage the spectrum more efficiently.

To that end, for the first time in two decades the agency may consider whether and how it may regulate receivers, which is the part of a wireless system that takes in transmissions of communications (e.g., voice, data). Poorly performing receivers make for inefficient spectrum use, limiting the FCC’s ability to cram more users into existing spectrum bands (a finite resource).

Late last year, the design of receivers made national news as the airline industry publicized concerns with possible interference to aircraft altimeters. An FCC decision to auction spectrum on an adjacent band to cellular carriers created concern that some altimeters could suffer performance degradation because these devices “listened” in to the adjacent band. The issue prompted the involvement of various parts of the Biden administration to step in and work out a short-term solution (for now) to modify the rollout of 5G services near airports.Continue Reading Managing Wireless Technologies from Both Ends: FCC Considers Receiver Regulation

Martech (marketing technology) refers to any technology or tool that helps optimize or identify marketing efforts. Marketers rely on these tools to automate or streamline processes, collect and analyze data, and help engage with customers. The full suite of these interconnected tools is known as the martech stack.

Last year, the number of martech suppliers grew to 8,000 (and counting). To help clients make smart choices, Venable attorney A.J. Zottola has examined the rise of martech and offered guidance on procuring tools and negotiating contracts with vendors.

Martech should align with goals

When considering the use of martech technology, focus on the marketing objective. Martech tools fall into several categories, depending on the particular objectives they are used for:

  • Management tools
  • Commerce and sales tools
  • Content and experience tools
  • Advertising and promotional tools
  • Data tools
  • Social and relationship tools

Continue Reading Martech Procurement Tips and Contract Guidance